Amend Current Membership Sit 2
I require amendments to be made to an “out-of-the-box” membership software program that I have purchased. The issues to be rectified are around formating, font sizes, font colours, information that appears or doesn’t appear. I can change the html code put have limited experience changing php code. The membership program is call “Memberspeed”. I estimate around 6 – 10 hours initial work with ongoing support required if the project is completed satisfactorily.
I will send a copy of requirements for each module which states exactly what I want changed with linkls to pages supplied. The following should give an idea of how I will present the information:
(1) Remove “Click here to Rate Article” that shows on the summary page
(2) Font size of article summary and title to be larger (Tahoma size 11).
(3) The for example “Added on 01/26/2010 By Roz Howland” to be positioned where “Click and Rate Article” is currently positioned.
(4) A line summary to be between end of article summary and “…read more”