Rayzz Import Script For Videos

Rayzz Import Script For Videos
Project: Script for automatic import of videofiles, in php

What the website is about:
– Publishing movie trailers and images
– the website is using Rayzz video sharing software
– so you should be familiar with Rayzz!

What do we need:
– simple script, to import randomly film trailer from Youtube or else
– written in php
– trailers must be in German language
– no trailer should be imported more than once
– new trailers should be chosen for import
– all data fields / tags have to be filled properly. For title + tags always add keywords “trailer” + <language>
– the cron should import just one video/trailer each time it is run
– the cron should import the videos into different accounts, we can manage in script
– to start with, you will set up sample accounts on our website.
– The import script should be also working manually via URL (Browser)

Any questions, please let me know!

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