Helios Calendar Customization

Helios Calendar Customization
add event reminder for viewer (select reminder for 1 day before, 2 days, week )

with anti span catcha.

add browse button to add picture/flyer from local pc on the sign up page

add a small photo gallery ( maximum 4 or 5 photos upload by user… add a

browse buttown to local picture from local pc as well as URL link on the sign

up page

duplicate existing event by location script to make regional location ( US and

city, other countries and cities) need a A .. .Z list of country and city page.

browse venues page which shows all the venues by country and city and you can

click on a venue page to see event at that venue

shopping cart/ buy button for featured event registration

has to be implemented and tested into my site.

see helioscalendar.com website for demo.

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