Scrapper Grabber Of Classified
this can be a script or a application, whatever works best…We would like a desktop application that is able to scrape the exact listing from backpage, Craigslist, yahoo and other sites similar to this. The program should be able to function on windows xp, vista and 7, We would like the program to be pleasing to look at with our logo in it without other branding from other parties. We would like the program to be written in languages that would be easy to communicate with or PHP written community classified script. The scrapper should be able to pull any and all information from any city, state and category of our choosing. In addition being able to pull those corresponding images associated with the ads.
It should be easy to use and setup. The information that is scrapped should be easily transferred into our database for storage and therefore immediately evident on one of our live classified sites. This transaction needs to be able to happen with minimal steps and time. This operation should be intrusive however as invisible as possible.
If you have questions feel free to contact me