Help With Video Script

Help With Video Script
I have a video/media sharing script fully installed on my server. Everything works, including the database, EXCEPT for the most important thing; it will not play the videos even though it uploads them successfully!

I did some research on the script (I just don’t know a lot about what is required to make videos, etc, work on web servers) and discovered the following:

Other then PHP / MySQL / GD that are already installed on most servers or hosting packages, our script requires the following modules used for video converstion and thumbnail generation:

– FFmpeg (
– FFmpeg-PHP (
– Mplayer + Mencoder (
– flv2tool (
– Libogg + Libvorbis (
– LAME MP3 Encoder (

I contacted my web host and asked about having the referenced modules installed. He said that ALL of the modules were available, however, it would require that I log in to my CPANEL and install them.

I’m still not real comfortable with CPANEL but I logged in and looked. The problem is, I don’t have a clue as to what I’m looking at! I decided to not touch a thing and ask a SL programmer who knows what they are doing to see if they can make it work.

You can access the site here:

(you must use the index.php as I have an ‘under construction’ notice under index.html)

PLEASE, PM me with ANY questions you may have!

Thank you!

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