Urlmr 2.0
Hello, I have a link shorting script script that I have been selling for about a month now at URLMr.com and in my opinion it is fairly simple to work with and modify. You can see a demo of the script at URLMr.com/demo/ I bought it from a person on a forum and I have full rights to it… anyway. I am currently on version 1.5 and I want to go on to version 2.0 soon but I need some help, the only thing the script needs in my opinion is a massive remodel photo and color wise, to make it look more modern, I would like two or three changeable themes but only if you can do it within the budget. The only other thing I need done and this is required! I need you to make a link tracking system, that will allow users to sign up and to login and see the amount of clicks, refer, and ip, and other various info that you can include in a click. I don’t have much money so please bid within the budget, also I will give the winning bidder a “nulled” it will have my license code removed, it is not normally nulled, I do not null scripts! Also I don’t want it to be given away, I have already had this problem before and I have dealt with it. I WILL TAKE ACTION IF YOU RESELL OR GIVE AWAY MY SCRIPT!!!