Android App

Android App
I’m looking for an Android application developer and PHP/MySQL programmer.

I need a very basic script that will both work as an application in Android phone (People could install it from the market) and on the website (the tasks below could be done both on the website when using PC and within application on the phone) This is the scope:

Upon installation of an app, user is required to register (with e-mail
confirmation) or log in into his/her account if he has already created his/her account previously. Once logged in, user will have an option to
1. Upload a picture directly from the phone (or the computer if he is using PC) and select the category he/she wants it to upload to a) upon upload, user will receive a message “success! ur picture got uploaded and will be available after approval” for which then the administrator (me) will need to approve it before it is shown in a given category (I assume I would have some sort of web panel for it that ONLY I would have login and password)

2. Select an option to rate pictures within their desired category (rating from 1 to 10) and add comments to them if they choose to (the pictures that others uploaded). The pictures in each category would show up from newest to the latest. (I will not need to approve comments, but I would like to have ability to remove comments from within my panel)
a). There will also be option to see photos from the top rated

3. User could also switch to his profile and see rating and comments on his picture (or
pictures) he uploaded

I’m fine if you will use some pre-existing free script for that so that the app could be developed faster (just make sure to tell me which one you have used). It’s fine if it will have more options if it is already pre-existing script

Tell me what is the compensation you are looking and the time frame it would take you to finish.

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