Zencart File Edit

Zencart File Edit
I require a programmer with zencart experience to merge two zencart files into one.

We have installed latest version of zencart
and furthermore have installed two further plugins:

1. One is template to change the look of the site.
2. Second plugin is to Include and Exclude Tax in Prices

The instructions for this are straight forward. The plugin
instructions include installing a number of files you can
see in ‘new plugin files’ folder.

Of all the files that have to be installed there are only
two files that would overwrite an existing file. All the
rest are new.

As a result we have to merge the new files for the
plugin with the currents files to get it working neatly.
These two files are:


I have attached both sets of files in the folders: current files
and new plugin files. If you do a diff you’ll see small differences
between the two sets. I want to merge so I can
can get the new plugin working without breaking previous plugins.

This should be a quick and easy task for competent programmer with
experience of Zencart.

Please confirm your experiecne with Zencart.

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