Need Small Banner Upload Scrip

Need Small Banner Upload Scrip
HI Folks,

I need this fairly quickly.
A simple php maybe with javascript, script that will:
have a user upload a 468 x 60 banner to my website. The script must check for: a maximum size that I set, and maximum size of file, and if possible check for .jpg extension and make sure it is actual image. Criteria: only total of X banners are allowed to be uploaded per day and only one per IP per day. This X counter gets reset each day as well as IP restriction.

If sucessful, then the script will display the image on the form, and if user approves, then hits a submit button, this banner will be added to a list of other banners that I will use to rotate on another part of site.

So the form will take the image and save it in a directory path on server and another banner rotating script that you will also create, will look at this directory and rotate everything that is in there upon each page load. Obviously either a text file or perhaps mysql is neeeded to store the banner info such as path on myserver, link URL and IMG text.

I would like Ajax used so the image magically appears if validation goes through. If not, a message should display that the image is either wrong type, wrong size or not proper dimensions, or if max of X banners is already uploaded.

I leave it up to to decide whatever should be used to store the info: a text file, or mysql, whatever is easiest perhaps.

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