Add New Sent-to E-mail Type

Add New Sent-to E-mail Type

I have a working e-mailer form that has five(5) different Sent-To users types values.

I need to add one(1) more Sent-To user types, the new Sent-To user type will require that you add the code to query the DB table = select from Site Where the state = NoCredits, then get the Uers-ID and E-mail so they the e-mailer Sent-To will add their E-mail of the users so that it will send the admin message to any users who site state = NoCredits

Should be an easy PHP code for a knowledgeable experience coder, and should not take more the 30-60 Minutes once you start,

I am the hosting site admin and will be available to help and give you all DB tables details/dump to help make the project even easier and faster


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