Fix Error Php Session Save

Fix Error Php Session Save

I have a basic php app on my server, which was working fine.

the webhost seems to have changed a setting on their server, which is now causing my app to show errors.

the webhost looked at my php, and said:

The session.save_handler is currently setup as file (line 82 in The session however is handled by database in our
server. It might be the reason why it shows the error message.

they set up a session test file on the server, which says:

Session.save_handler is : memcache

I have put the full error message I see on the web page in a pdf attached to this job. Please see it before bidding.

I need a php person to look into this issue for me, and fix it.

Also, if any other errors or issues appear that stop the app working, to fix those too.

I am aware that it is difficult to be sure of the exact amount of work in this job – it depends on what you find when you test the files and server environment.

Job can be extended as required.

Please put in a bid for a beginning assessment and fix for the problem stated above.

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