New Years Website Banner
I am looking for someone who is good at making simple banners and flash banners. There will be other jobs in the future so the cost should not be high and the time long.
I need a simple banner created this time for my website. I have a sample one for the sizing and pics for the design image I am after.
Basically I want the New Years scanned pics (they are from a book and go together) to be recreated into a banner with just the design not the writing that was scanned also. I do not want the box with 2010 and white mochi stuff with mandarin on top of it…. instead I just want the tiger as a whole. And, I want the words Happy New Year 2010 added into the design somehow. The other stuff in the picture can be added in as you see it. This needs to be remade not photo shopped in from what I am giving. If you have any questions please ask and I will try to answer. Thanks