I Need A Website 2

I Need A Website 2
Hello there.
i would like a website where i can post my own ads.
i work at a car dealership so i would like to be able to post lots of cars.


i would like my viewers to see all the cars i post.

1) for used cars i want a page like this http://www.eagleridgegm.com/Default.aspx?tabid=110

2) for brand new cars i want a page like this http://www.eagleridgegm.com/Default.aspx?tabid=209

i also want inventorys

3) for used cars i want somthing like this http://www.eagleridgegm.com/Default.aspx?tabid=60

4) for brand new cars i want somthing like this http://www.eagleridgegm.com/Default.aspx?tabid=71

5) finally i want a page where there is a form just like this https://www.agedstock.com/creditapp.php?id=114070 ****when u fill out that small form a bigger form will pull up i want that bigger form.**************

those are the pages i would like in my website.

i want all the scripts including the template.

please let me know how much you will get from me to make me a website like that.


**Please note that we want local programmers. i live in vancouver. i want to be able to meet you. if you are not local its ok. but please note that we will pay you the full amount after the website is done. **

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