Java Assignment Needed Done 2

Java Assignment Needed Done 2
I have a assignment that requires knowledge in java see the attached file for details i need this done in next 6 hours pay is 35.00 for it , there is a book required as well

Note: You will be using either the Scanner class or the JOptionPane class to accept input in all of your programs. (Follow the example given in the BankAccount class in the text book). Do not forget documentation.

1. (30 points) DO NOT make this exercise more difficult than it is. We will build on this in the next questions. Start simple! Write the definition for a class named Employee. Create public members named empName, empHours, empRate, and empSalary. Allow the class to have a method named display. The display method will only have output statements to print the values of the member variables. Save the file as Create a test program that creates 2 objects named e1, and e2. Assign values (NO INPUT) for the member variables and call the method display to display the values of the member attributes. Save the test program as


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