Custom Article Php Script

Custom Article Php Script
I am looking for a custom php script build, installed and bug free that I can use as an article script.

The script does not need password access for the master admin panel. It just needs to be in it’s own subfolder so I can password protect that folder in cpanel.

The article script will have categories and different writers.

The admin panel allows the main admin to add, edit and remove writers. They can also add, edit and remove, categories. As well as add, edit, and remove articles.

The admin panel will have the following 10 buttons which take us to their respective pages.

Add an Article
Edit an Article
Delete an Article

Add a Category
Edit a Category
Delete a Category

Add a Writer
Edit a Writer
Delete a Writer

View Articles (simply a link to the article page opens in a new window)

In this admin panel when we click “add a writer” or “Edit a writer” it will bring up a page with the following fields, Writer’s Name (text field), Email (text field), About the Writer (text box), Writer photo (browse box for image). Once the writer has been created by the master admin panel, they are now in the list of writers.

In this admin panel when we click add or edit a category it would bring up a page with these fields: Category Name (text field) and Category Description (text box), and Image field (browse box)

In this admin panel when we click add or edit an article. It would show the following fields: Title (text field), Choose a Category (dropdown), Choose a Writer (dropdown), Short Description (text box), Article (this should be a wysiwyg box that allows us to create an article with all the controls and being able to add images to it.) Also there will be 12 additional images fields at the bottom (as browse boxes)..

The delete category, delete writer pages, and delete articles pages in the admin would bring up a page with a drop down so that when we select one from the dropdown and click delete, it would delete it. If we are trying to delete a writer or category which still contains articles, would block it and say please delete all articles under this writer’s name or this category before deleting this category or writer (depending on if it was on the delete writer or delete a category page)

The article page: The main article page would come up to a page that would show a view by category, or view by writer. Showing their thumbnail image and name of the category or writer under it. If they click the thumbnail or name of a writer or a category it would take them to that page to view all the articles under that particular writer or category.

When looking at the articles under a category or writer, the articles would display the title, the first image of the 12 browse fields for that article, the short description for the article, and who the writer is. Then a click here to read the article link. It would show up to 30 articles per page before going to page 2 and so on.. If they click either the thumbnail, the title of the article, or that click here link, it would take them to the page where they see that article. On that page it would display the writer’s thumbnail with his name, email address, and the writer’s information at the top. Below that it would show the title for the article, the wysiwyg formatted article, and below that the optional 12 thumbnails. Which when they click them they would open up in a pop up window with a larger version of the photo and a next and previous link to view all of them quicker.

EXTRA NOTES: On every page except the admin at the bottom in links it would link to all the categories and all the writers in an orderly fashion.

When we delete articles, categories, or writers off this admin it should delete the photos associated with these things off the server to keep from a buildup of unwanted images.

All images (EVERYTHING including the writer’s image, the categories, the article images in wysiwyg, and the 12 additional images) added must compress automatically in file size and in physically size to a reasonable size for the web. If no image is added to a category, article, or writer it would show an image that says “no image available”. In the place of the image on the article pages.

SEO TITLE TAG: Please make sure that the page that shows the article itself show the article’s title as the title tag for the page for seo reasons.

I will give you specific layouts for each of the pages. No major design work is needed but be aware that I will have you change some font sizes and styles.. A little formatting will be needed on your part, but I will take care of the major design or template for the page. Please put a top.php and bottom.php on the article page so I can easily apply my own design to the script.

Please do not bid on this unless you are an experienced programmer. We don’t want beginners here. Also it is a MUST that you communicate with us using msn messenger for this project. Please keep in touch and be honest about your completion dates. this is a time sensitive project.

The folder for the script will be called articles/ the admin will simply be a subfolder articles/admin
Please let me know if you have any questions.

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