Fixing Xml Importer In Php

Fixing Xml Importer In Php
I need someone with knowledge of PHP, XML, endcoding and MySQL to make my XML importer work with danish characters.

A script on my site imports a XML feed from another server. The importer can import values with danish characters (ÆØÅæøå) if they are put Within “[CDATA[” tags. If the danish characters are not within this tag the importer will cut of anything in the value before the danish character. For example if the importer reads something like this <test>This is a test æ of the feed</test> it only imports “æ of the feed”.

The encoding/characterset of the feed is not set in the feed.

I can not change the structure of the feed or add anything to it – so the importer has to work without the “[CDATA[” tags and without the encoding tags.

The script is a PHP script. I run PHP version 5.2.12
The script imports the data to a SQL database version 5.0.9
The characterset of the MySQL is set to UTF8.

The script has to import all the data even if thet are not set within CDATA tags.

Send me a private message if you want to see the XML-feed, the script or have any questions.

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