Distances Between Postcodes

Distances Between Postcodes
We have a website that allows homeowners to post a job that they need done and tradesmen to bid for these jobs. We need a PHP script that depending on the distance selected by the tradesmen when registering will work out the jobs in the tradesman’s area and display them on a web page when the tradesman logs in. The maximum distance that a tradesman is prepared to travel to from their home address is select during registration and is stored in a table in a SQL database when registration is complete. Therefore, the script should look into the projects table in the database and determine from the distance in the user table for the tradesman concerned which jobs are in his area and then these jobs are displayed in a table. Also, when a new job is added an e-mail should automatically be sent to tradesmen within that area. The script should also work out the distances from the tradesman’s home address to all jobs in the system that have not been completed.

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