Amember Mods/form Posting

Amember Mods/form Posting
I have two tasks that involve javascript/posting to two forms at once.

the manual user add form needs to also post the first name last name and email to another form at the same time.

2. the main signup form needs to post to a second form as well – with the same first name last name and email values to another form.

This can be done via onclick posting the second form to a iframe or whatever clever way you can figure it out.

On acceptance I will provide you with the code for the second form, and I will setup an escrow payment.

I want you to do this on your own, then email me the code changes to make, then I’ll test it on my end, and approve the escrow. You NEED to be familiar with amember, I can provide you a few files of amember if needed but you will not get ftp access to my site.

This shouldn’t take more than a day. I need a working solution asap.

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