Pap4-wishlist Member -paypal

Pap4-wishlist Member -paypal
I currently have a membership site whose main engine is WishList Member (a WordPress plugin).

I did not have a built-in affiliate program/script, so I purchased/acquired Post Affiliate Pro 4 (PAP4)

WishList Member has the ability to integrate with PayPal for payment processing, as does PAP4.

Whenever a purchase is made via the PayPal button on my site, two things need to happen:

1) The sale needs to be tracked via PAP4
2) The purchaser should be auto-redirected to a WishList Member generated page that enables him/her to complete their membership/signup process

Currently, only #2 (above) is working properly.

I have spent numerous hours trying to figure it out on my own. PAP4 support has been responsive. However, WishList Member will not support any coding issues/needs due to “lack of time”.

Where things are now:
PAP4 support has indicated that some curl code needs to be added to the “thank you” page (one that is specified via the PayPal form code as specified via the “return” or “notify_url” input field). However, this URL does not point to a specific page, exactly.
Here is the URL in question:

No page or folder exists by the name “register” or “BZajxy” on the server … so I assume that index.php is somehow processing “/register/BZajxy”. The URL is required exactly as shown by Wishlist Member, as it is tied to PayPal. The programmer chosen for this project must be able to determine exactly where (which php file on the server) to place the aforementioned curl code.

The requirements for the programmer of this project are:
1) Must have intimate knowledge of integrating PayPal w/ PAP4
2) Must have intimate knowledge of integrating PayPal w/ WishList Member
3) Must understand PHP and callbacks

I do not wish (nor intend) to spend any time training with respect to the specifics of integrating the 3 pieces (PAP4, WLM & PayPal)

The project will be deemed “complete” once PAP4 is properly tracking sales, AND the proper WishList Member registration form is being displayed (redirected to) upon successful PayPal transaction.

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