Custom Calendar Php Script

Custom Calendar Php Script
I need a custom PHP Calendar Script using a MYSQL Database built, installed, and bug free.

This calendar would show the current year and the next year.. This would be dynamic so it would continue to have the correct calendars for what ever year it is.

The pages would be as follows: for the calendar for the admin panel

The admin doesn’t need password protection. I will do that on the server. The admin will have 4 buttons.. Add an event, edit an event and delete and event and a settings button.

The add an even would allow the user to select an start and an end date to an event. If the start and end date are the same, the event would be one day long. It would also have a details box for the event that would allow us to view the details for that event. Lets use a WYSIWYG to add details with regular browse boxes to upload upto 12 images. (images accepted would be jpg, jpeg, gif, png, and bmp and would compress file size and phyiscal automatically but they must keep in their original demension ratio). The start and end date would be chosen by a drop down that lets the admin choose a day, month and a year for the start and end date for the event.

When adding an event it would allow the admin to add those comments and up to 12 photos that would appear as thumbnails at the bottom. Again to edit the details lets use a WYSIWYG to add details with regular browse boxes below that to upload upto 12 images. (images accepted would be jpg, jpeg, gif, png, and bmp and would compress file size and phyiscal automatically but they must keep in their original demension ratio).

The edit a event would provide a dropdown that would show the date ranges of all the events entered for this year and the previous year. If they select an event it would take them to a page that would allow them to chage the date range and details for the event as well as add, replace and remove from the 12 photos for that event.

The delete an event would provide a dropdown that would show date ranges of all the events entered for this year and the previous year. If they select from the drop down and click delete, that event and all the images tied to it shall be deleted.

The calendar should delete previous years, data and images automatically to keep the files from building up on the server.

THE SETTINGS BUTTON: This will simply let them check a box whether they want to make the details pages and link to the details page visible on the calendar for the public to see.

THE CALENDAR PAGE: The Calendar page would show 2 links.. One that would say 2010 Calendar (or whatever the current year is.) and 2011 (or whatever the following year is). they can click either link to view that year’s calendars. This page will also have a dropdown that allows them to directly view any month of this yuear or the upcoming year. They would select in the dropdown month and in another dropdpwn year and hit go and it would take them to that month’s calendar.

On the Monthly calendar page it would show in a soft green the available dates (or dates that no events have been added to) and in a soft brown the reserved dates (or dates that have an event assigned to them). If available it would be green and say “available” on the box for that day. If reserved it would be brown and say “reserved” in the box. Below where it says reserved for a calendar date it would have a link that says “view details”. This would take them to that page that would show the details for that event that we created with the WYSIWYG and the thumbnails images below that. If they click a thumbnail it would have a popup window that would show the enlarged image. This “view details” link would only be visible if they selected that they wanted the details made visible in the settings page of the admin.

There would be a next and previous link at the top and bottom or the monthly calendar that would allow them to skip to the next or previous month in that year. Every page would have a dropdown to select a month and a year to quickly go to any month of the current or next year.

There doesn’t need to be a real specific design for this. but it will need to stretch to fit. My page width will probably be 750 pixels or slighly smaller.. Please have a top.php and bottom.php on all the calendar pages so that I can add my own template design to the calendar pages. I will give you the basic layout for the pages. Just know that I may need you to change a few font sizes, styles, and colors for this.

I need someone who knows what your doing. I want a calendar that is going to continue to work and display the correct calendars for whatever year it is in the future.

Please do not bid on this if you are a beginner. I also want someone who uses msn messenger so that I can communicate with you during the process. Please send me a message indicating that you can communicate with msn messenger. Please be honest about your completion dates. This is a time sensitive project.

Thanks 🙂

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