Simple Crawler To Collect Data
I need a crawler to extract sample research information from a website.
You should be able to create a crawler and then provide us with the output data files in excel format – this is the only thing we are interested in, we do not need the crawler ourselves
The crawled data should be put into an excel file, we will supply you with the output format.
We will also supply you with the URLs to crawl, there are approximately 2’200 of the format +uniqueidentifier1+parameters +uniqueidentifier2+parameters +uniqueidentifier3+parameters +uniqueidentifier4+parameters +uniqueidentifiern+parameters
Specific details will be available before starting
More similar projects if this one works out.
Please provide:
1. Fee
2. Example of similar work
3. Timeline to produce excel file
4. Location
5. Preferred method of payment