We currently need two data scrapers that will search on the following pages for data, and then collect the data and place it into a mysql database for later retrieval. A database with all California zip codes will be provided to you.
The scrapers will search the following links:
SCRAPER A)https://mv.dmv.ca.gov/olinq2/authorize.do
SCRAPER B)http://www.bar.ca.gov/pubwebquery/Station/StationList.aspx
SCRAPER A needs to perform a search of all CA zip codes and store the following information in a mysql table:
1. Name of Business
2. Address of Business
3. Phone Number
4. Location Opened
5. Location Closed
6. License to Provide, Offer or Sell
7. License Number
8. License First Issued
9. Operator or Contact
10. Owner of Business
11. Mailing Address
12. Other Business Name
13. Zip of Search
14. City of Search
All of this information is available from the search results. I will provide a DB of all zip codes in California for use by the scraper.
For SCRAPER B, we will need to collect the following search results and store it in a separate table:
1. Type
2. Can Certify Gps
3. Station Name / Address
4. Phone Number
5. County
6. Field Office: Program Area
7. Available Bar Units
8. Zip of Search
9. City of Search
All of this information is available from the search results. I will provide a DB of all zip codes in California for use by the scraper.