House Exchange Website D&d
Need to customize a home swap/house exchange website. I know there are a lot of open source packages out there but i am willing to pay to customise this to my needs.
1-the programmer will use Php, mysql, css, xhtml in developing the website
2-the website design to be optimised for SOE practices
3-the website will be fully upgradable
4- Member’s ability to post listings and photos with a google map link to address/location
5- Credit card and paypal payment methods
6- Ability to include third party advertising such as google adsense and graphic banners
7- Registered members only can see listing contact details
8- Home page customization and some graphic design work
9- the programmer will be fullt resposible for testing and delivering a bug free script
10- other creative ideas will be rewarded.
Please view the following websites to have an idea about my needs:
when winner bidder will be resposible for Program Functionality: Making the website “work