Opengts Installation/config
we’re looking for someone preferably with previous experience in installing and confiuring the opengts opensource GPS tracking software.
for more information about the opengts GPS tracking software please visit:
what we need exactly is some support for configuring the opengts particulary setting up the connection to mysql server as we already have the basic opengts installed in a window remote server but we’re having some trouble to connect to mysql gts database from tomcat.
we also need to add some new tracking devices currentely 1 to 3 devices this will invlove the modification of the template server in the opengts to parse received data and insert it into the SQL database and support the new devices wich all of them sends messages to the server using a socket-based communication protocol,the required skills for editing and adding new devices are:[Java, TCP/UDP socket communication, multi-threading, bitwise manipulation, general client/server protocols].
If you have the required skills to do the job please feel free to bid on the project or contact us for further information.