Php Ecommerce Website
I require a php based ecommerce website done.
Design will be provided.
Modules are typical – category management, sub category management, products management, shopping cart, online enquiry, orders management. Only different thing is, for each product we have different pricing for different users – wholesalers, distributors, normal members, etc.
Other than that its nothing complicated.
We have a customized design and so i dont foresee being able to use open source systems for this.
I have specs ready. i need this in 1.5 weeks. Kindly advice.
Please bid with your price for the project, and links to backend administration of customized ecommerce php websites that you have done. that will allow me to select a vendor. Ill work with escrow so no worries on that.
Look forward to your bids, and no cut and paste bids please.