Java Mini 3d Virtual World

Java Mini 3d Virtual World
Please only bid if serious. I may be new to scriptlance but i’m no fool, and i do not mess with a programmer’s money, check the few feedback i have so far. As i programmer myself i know the hardwork this is so lets work together and have a great partnership until this project is over.

I’m thinking of a virtual world where users can customize their world, create avatars and customize everything about their avatar.
Something similar to Sims from using Jmonkey engine, . Ideas are also taken from the facebook application yoville, Software such as or could be customized for this.

I’m thinking of a similar type of game but maybe simpler for the moment with similar functionality.
One of the major difference would be that when a user creates their avatar and build their virtual world, they can choose whether or not other users playing online can join their world.
If a user joins someone else’s world the owner can choose to block a specific user or stop all users all together from coming to their house/town that they’ve built.
User’s can have the ability to type text and send to a specific user or broadcast their message to everyone in the area.
User’s can send gestures to each other such as a hug, kiss, hug etc.
Users can build a house for themselves and customize it, the walls etc.
The user’s should be able to follow any user in the virtual world and the only place a user cannot follow is into a house. For example if i have a house and i’m in the city and you’re in the city then
you can follow me around in the city but if i go into my house you cannot follow unless i give you permission.
The users should have activities that they can play against each other such as fishing, racing, gambling. When they win the gain points which i will name as a currency.
Other tasks such as washing car but within a time limit if done successfully then they gain points.
The users should age and be able to work after a certain age.
Once user’s earn enough points should be able to buy businesses such as a store, restaurant etc and provide jobs to other users.
Users can also gain businesses by inheriting from family or received as a gift from someone.
An avatar should be able to move into another avatar’s house as a partner and they can get married and have children. The children can then inherit any property the parents had after the parent dies.
The application should use the facebook java api so that user’s can sign in with their facebook account.
The facebook sign in should be used to get the user’s name and their friends and allow users to invite friends. The application must also have its own registration system and use the mysql users table on my website which i will provide the structure and sample data to you. When a facebook user signs in with their facebook account it must create an account in the website’s database for that user and must check if an account already exists for this user on the website. So basically users can sign in with facebook account or an account from the website.
The users can add any user already in the world as a friend and any facebook friend invited who accepts should automatically become friends with the user who invited them.
A database is most likely needed so it will be mysql to store anything. Any existing free/open source programs can be used and customized.

The project will have two versions. One applet and one desktop version. The desktop version can be installable through a jnlp file and must create a desktop link to run the application and a start menu link.
The main reason for choosing java is its write once run anywhere capabilities so that program must run on Mac Linux and windows distros and anything else java can run on.
Bare in mind that in future this application will be built on and improve to add new features so it must be extensible to add new modules, worlds, objects etc
This is the basic idea for the game other standard stuff for virtual worlds such as walking, running, driving a car etc should be included, i am open to any suggestions you might have. The final thing would be for the ability to switch to full screen and back and when in full screen have an icon/button for the user to exit fulllscreen, similar to how most flash players such as the one on youtube does it. With the jmonkey engine this is a simple task to add fullscreen.

The payment model will be for you to seperate things up into stages and charge for each stage and then i can pay you in stages as the project progresses. The reason for this is because as you build the project i may get other ideas and then you can charge me for implementing those other ideas seperately.

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