Two Joomla/virtuemart Stores

Two Joomla/virtuemart Stores
I need a programmer with two special skills. Very familiar with Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart (with store web design talent) and secondly skilled in SEO. You will be creating a store for my wife. You will start with a basic load and then set it up per her and my description. I would expect you to know what questions to ask us to get the store set up right.

It will be CSS based with consistent them. I think Joomla takes care of that by nature.

I have an account on a server (php) that will be used with existing url names. It has worked with Joomla before and in the CPanel, Joomla 1.5 can be installed. You can use that for initial load if so desired.

The products being sold are currently sold on ebay and do very well. It is a craft product store so the site will need to reflect a craft theme or look. Paypal will be the merchant account for now. Although products will be loaded one at a time, it must be capable of loading via a csv file. This must be proved by a working example of uplaod.

The site must have the shipping options set up per our description. Including USPS, Fedex and UPS.

It must have a blog.

It must have the ability to have discounts and coupons.

It must be able to track customers, and emails. It must have a bulk email feature for sending out notices and newsletters.

The SEO portion of Joomla/Virtuemart must be fulling working and setup properly. We would expect good (1-5?) SEO rankings after 1-2 months. Or whatever would be expected with a very good SEO design.

The second store will be identical to the first store. After the first store is designed and working, it will be installed as is on another URL site. I will make the modifications to this site in terms of content and theme. Your task will be to set it up and get it working identical to the craft site.

Please read the requirements carefully. You will be required to fulfill all of them.

I am an easy guy to get along with, my wife may not be with regard to what she might want on her site. So you need to be prepared to make some cosmetic and function changes as she needs them as you go. If that become excessive you will be entitled to additional charge. No additional charges will be made without prior notification to such intent before starting that work.

Generic responses will not be considered. Provide evidence that you have read this offer.

Check my feedback and history. I will check yours.

Thanks and good bidding.

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