Pornhub Redtube Grabber Joomla

Pornhub Redtube Grabber Joomla
I am using joomla 1.0.14

I need a component that will let me mass grab videos from pornhub and redtube.

– mass grabbing with keywords I type in. do not double grab same videos
– grab to some categories in the section Adult. when I run it, I will choose what category the grabber will grab to.
– grab title to title in joomla, keyword to keyword in joomla, thumb picture to intro text in joomla, and embed code to body in joomla. size of the embed code is 640×420
– auto grab features: make the component auto grab new videos from every day from pornhub and redtube. I am not sure if this feature is feasible. If you can to exclude auto grab in your bid, let me know by PM

I need pro only. Please do not bid unless you have very good feedback.

I am not having some redtube and pornhub grabber script from AVS so if you want I can give it to you so you can customize it for my joomla site


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