Joomla 1.5 – Breezingforms

Joomla 1.5 – Breezingforms
I’m running a website based on Joomla 1.5 which has a component called BreezingForms 1.7.0 installed. I have created a form but when you go to that page via SSL it shows an error message saying that the page is trying to load both secure and non-secure items.

I need to fix this error message. I think I have narrowed down the error to 2 CSS sheets, 3 scripts and 1 image file that is causing the alert.

I have been working for 2 days trying to figure out how the component is inserting the 2 css, 2 scripts and 1 image without using SSL. For some reason the JURI::root() is returning http:// instead of https://

I need someone to follow back the PHP code and figure out how it is doing this. I then need it fixed.

The solution can only come from editing the BreezingForms component. I don’t want ANY Joomla core files hacked. Once the solution has been found, I would like the programmer to provide me with the exact lines of code that were changed for the future.

I WILL NOT pay for this up front. The money will be transferred once confirmation has been made that the problem has been fixed and the solution provided by the programmer (the lines of code that were changed).

Please state: “I agree to your terms” in you bid. Any bids not containing this text will not be considered.

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