Mobile Dj Website Needed
I need a website for a newly created mobile DJ business. The business specializes in high-energy dance music, and the website needs to reflect a nightclub-like experience. My hosting site uses a Linux server and can host both HTML and Joomla CMS. It doesn’t matter to me which one is used as the result is met. I can provide a link to a web site that can be used as a reference.
I have a logo that can be used, but would need you to supply some photos to place on the site. I have an idea on what text to include on the site. In addition, I will need to eventually incorporate a event reservation system from another web site. I can provide details.
You should have experience designing nightclub or DJ websites. Experience with search engine optimization is an added plus.
I would like to have this up as soon as possible. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions. Thanks for looking!