Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart

Complete Upgrade Mambo Xcart
Hi everyone,

I am after a complete upgrade of my mambo / x-cart system at:

I would need the following:

1. Creating on Test Server

2. New CSS Version of MagicWorld (I have original psd) but needs to be tweaked, and made wider say 900px. I like the idea of modernizing my template a little like: so the buttons do cool stuff like: but essentially keeping it roughly the same design as is. Of course the css must be created so it works in both joomla and x-cart. (top menu is created in css and just needs tweaking (add smoke or effects etc)

3. At present Mambo is the front page.. but I think I would like x-cart to be the first page they hit, so that it displays the products correctly (instead of having to copy the product layout from x-cart and put into joomla frontpage manually!)

4. 3 column neat layout of featured products

5. I have many modules installed. Everything has to be highly SEO’d so x-cart would be installed in base directory at so products would be at:

6. All existing content and orders imported into new x-cart.. and on day of it going live, must be synced with existing magicworld orders and products, so that I do not lose any data, and must be put live through the night in UK time.

7. certainly need http redirects on all categories, and if possible all existing products to minimize a loss of search engine rankings with google, as I am extremely high.

8. A bridge needs to be created between x-cart login and joomla, so if they are logged in from x-cart, they are logged in with same username and password to joomla, must be seamless and without any bugs. I want people to be able to comment on articles in magicworld joomla with the same username and password, then move back to the shop and purchase without having to re log in.

9. I relize not all modules that are currently installed can be put into new system but I have heard the 1 page checkout for x-cart is the best. But I do have many modules installed that needs to be addressed as closely to existing site as possible.

10. Need as much social media putting into site as possible, ie. tags and social bookmarks on every product page, twitter and facebook logos and as much ajax as possible!

But essentially just an upgrade of existing old mambo to joomla and same with x-cart.

Need someone 100% reliable that is always available and happy to talk on msn and talk about progress.

Although I want doing, there is no mad rush, I need to get this site perfect before even thinking about going live.

Many Thanks

All the best

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