Joomla Upgrade

Joomla Upgrade
We need to upgrade a complete Joomla 1.0.15 site to Joomla 1.5.15.

We have already done several other sites using the migrator plugin but this site must look 100% identical to the old one and is using a customized Rockettheme template (we have the original 1.5 version of this template in unmodified form).

Also all URLs (SEO friendly) must stay the same; there is a lot of wrappers with other websites in them and they must also keep the same URLs.

Old system uses Facile Forms for an inquiry form and that must be replicated with the same form using whatever component you like as long as it stays the same.

1.5.15 site must stay 100% CSS and W3C compliant and run on PhP5.3.

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