Tabs Ajax. Joomla Site

Tabs Ajax. Joomla Site
This project involves editing a Joomla Component called Joomlistings, the idea is to have an Ajax type effect (make the changes to the listing on the same page without having to load the page again) on the listings (see picture attached). The listings need to have 4 buttons that would load the following:
1- Preview – calls in the description table of the listing (component already has a table for description).
2. Map – Calls a map (google or bing map), takes the address from the actual listing and maps it. (Component does not have this option).
3- Map with satellite view (birds eye). Same as the above point only this one needs to have the satellite map instead of the regular map.
4- Contact form- This button calls for the contact form. The component already has a contact form for every listing.

Only experienced and capable programers please. Will escrow amount before working.

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