Joomla + Amember Integration

Joomla + Amember Integration
I have a site running on a Joomla template, and have installed aMember along with the Joomla plugin.

I have partially configured aMember, but this is not really what I know or understand. So, what is needed?

Full integration of Joomla login – ie login to Joomla automatically logs in to aMember – transfer of Joomla client db to aMember and mass email with new passwords once works completed.

Coupon codes needs configuring – there will need to be 3 different coupon codes, generating different subscription rates from the standard.

Subscription form at present only configured for Paypal, needs options for payment by bank standing order and bank transfer adding, and appropriate forms installing. And sign up form could do with being more site-friendly in terms of color scheme/decoration, without being over elaborate.

Configuration for subscription reminders needs implementing along with access restrictions if payment not made by given date.

Logos for Paypal and credit/debit cards need adding to pages.

Probably one or two other minor bits and pieces – all straight forward for a competent professional, and probably only a couple of hours I would guess.

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