Need Cms In Php

Happy bidding

1) What I need you to do is create some sort of an admin panel where I can go and easily replicate the page with different information with just filling out the information instead of going into the html code of each page.

2) The design of the page is going to stay the same. Here is what the admin panel needs to be able to control:

– the url of the page
– the title of the page, meta description and meta keywords
– the header image
– the title text that is in the header image
– the embed code for the video. It will always be the same size and it will always be from youtube if that makes a difference
– the bullet points in the “contact information” on the right. I want to be able to have up to 10 bullet points. Note: when I have less than 10, lets say 4, I dont want the other 6 to be showing as empty, I want them NOT to show at all
– bullet points in “what we do” section. Same idea as above, i want up to 35 bullet points and if they are less, not to have empty bullet points
– the embed code for the maps. It will always be the same size and from google maps if that makes a difference
– the text in the “about” section on the bottom. I need to be able to put unlimited amounts of text here and I need to be able to make it bold, italits, bigger, smaller, stuff like that
– the footer text in the footer

3) The admin needs to be able to list all pages made up to now with the ability to edit it and repost it. I also need to be able to delete the pages from the admin panel and the website from the admin panel

4) The admin needs to be able to post those pages so there is no need for uploading stuff via ftp or smth else

5) It would also be nice if there is some kind of a “preview” option so I can see how the page is going to look like before it is posted to real on the website. That is optional if it is smth complicated to do.

6) Each page, will not have a relation with the other ones.

This is just the basic stuff I need for now but be sure to leave some room for improvement.

Selected programmer has to work with us in future projects.

No time waster please.

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