Appointment Setters Needed


We are a deal-of-the-day website that offers a new local restaurant or bar deal each day at unbeatable prices. We are looking for U.S. based or near-shore outbound phone sales professionals to act as appointment setters for our company.

The goal of each call is to set up an appointment with local restaurant owners and/or managers to meet with our field sales professions to discuss working with us. All you have to do is make the appointment, so each call should come with little to no resistance, but does require a little bit of sales experience.

You will be provided with a call list of leads. Each call only lasts about 2-3 minutes, but you will be trained on what to say and be provided a very successful call script with objection responses, etc.

Requirements include:
– Perfect english and excellent american accent
– 100 calls per day (per person)
– Minimum 4-6 hours per day during PST (Pacific Standard Time) of 10:00AM – 5:00PM
– Track leads and each call through CRM, Excel, or call logging system
– Your own phone system
– Positive, upbeat personality
– Strong capabilities to deal with customers, questions, and response intuition
– Motivated to set appointments to earn commissions

We currently have 1 person doing these calls, 60-75 calls per day and he sets 3-6 appointments per day.

With your bid, please indicate a rate for this job for 5 hours worth of work and the number of calls you expect to complete for one days worth of work from 10-5

If you want to work based off commission, we can set up a structure for bonuses on qualified appointments set. If you are interested in this route, the appointments must be qualified (meet the criteria of our leads list and take place without cancellation)

We’ll provide additional bonuses for appointments that our field sales staff turn into deals, just because we like to reward our employees- so keep this in mind.

Thank you and I look forward to your bids.

your bid also include the # of hours you can work per day or provide a total # of calls you can make… any proof or history of success is also a plus

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