Ticket Network Checkout Page

I NEED A designer/coder/programmer to customize a checkout page that matches my current website.

My current website is www.yaytickets.com and you can view what the current checkout page looks like here: https://tickettransaction2.com/Checkout.aspx?e=~Yn~Jva2~Vya~W~Q9~M~T~Q0~O~C~Zza~X~Rlbn~Vt~Ym~Vy~P~T~Emd~Gdp~Z~D03~N~D~M2~M~Dcx~M~T~Im~Z~X~Z0a~W~Q9~M~T~M5~O~T~Uy~O~C~Zwcmlj~Z~T03~Mj~Yu~M~D~Aw~M~C~Zjd~X~Jy~Z~W5je~Wlk~P~T~E.!~M~Z~Z~Ant~Jn9u~A.&treq=2&wcid=3807&SessionId=R2zMh

As you can see, it doesn’t match the website and makes the checkout process seem very weird like they went to a different site. I have attached a document containing HOW this should be done as well as some of the files that need to be edited, as it has to be done to my affiliates standards. I have files that need to be edited which in turn create the checkout page. The only change i wish to make in regards to the checkout page rather than the main page, is to use a nonflash banner, and also use a different sidebar which consists of a testimonial box, a short paragraph describing the checkout experience, a 100% guarantee seal image, and a ticket network image.

If you’ve done this in the past, though not required…please let me know as it would certainly help your cause. I think it’s a rather simple job if you know what you’re doing, but sadly…I don’t :).

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