Content Writer For Seo. Ongoing Work Articles & Spinning

It can be about blocked drains, or ADHD, or a product review, or SEO/Web design related. No adult themes.

You the writer/team will be more than capable of writing unique articles, then spinning them to a more than 70% unique rate.

Each spun version will be human readable so you need to hand spin/ manually spin the article so as to ensure they are all readable. No one click spinning.

Looking for outputted articles of 500 – 1000 words or thereabouts, depending on the client.

Your english needs to be better than mine. You will be AU, UK, US, CA etc based. Native English writers please. I do not want to ever have to edit your articles, your English must be perfect. If you believe you are an expert, you will be happy to undertake a brief writing test to demonstrate your abilities. We have had far too much trouble with writers where English is their second or third language, and we are forever having to edit articles to read correctly, so preference will be given to native English writers.

Price Per spun article price would be good.

Initially give me a cost per 1 spun article.
And a cost per 5 spun articles (on the same keyword)

Definitely looking for a long term relationship, so preference given to those that can demonstrate as such here (eg long work history). We would prefer a team of writers who can handle our growing capacity.

Details re articles:

We provide an SEO service to our Australian website clients (therefore please revise your MS word spellcheck to AU/UK spelling.) We need content for our SEO services. What we need minimum per client of ours is as follows:

1 x 1000 word article (original work) for the money site.
4 x 500 word articles (again original work, using the same keywords), then to have these 4 articles delivered in spintax format to 75% uniqueness.

This is the least number of articles for our clients, some clients require double, and we have an immediate requirement for content for at least 12 of our clients and growing.

Given that we do not know each other, we will not be able to make payment upfront. We are happy to put payment in escrow, or start the working relationship with smaller orders until trust is built on both sides.

To summarise, preference will be given to native English writers and to teams that can handle our capacity, starting immediately. Please respond with details on your experience, capacity, timeframe to deliver and quote.

Note inspiration can be taken from ezine articles or other resources but all must be re-written in your own words and pass copyscape

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