Need A Flash Banner Made Up


I want to recreate something similar to this famous pringles banner ad…

Pringles Banner Ad Is Worth a Few Dozen Clicks

There actually 94 different clicks involved in this ad, i personally think it is a work of genius.

I want something similar created but with my own script, possibly only involves around 8o wording changes. I will supply the script and the image, and you do the rest.. I think that all you have to do is create the background, and the rest will be a drop in slide with the words on it.

You should only need to alter the wording layers.

It must be embedable so people can use the embed code to put the ad in their websites. If it is possible, can we have the final layer as a link?

Once it is complete, i need you to host it for my inspection, i will then release payment. I would rather have this done by the end of today pleeeeeease 🙂

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