WordPress Xml Feed Integration

Need a programmer with WordPress experience to integrate the following feed into the sidebar of a WordPress site:


The feed needs to be formatted to look like the side bar of http://www.ttouchexpert.com/, with a few changes:

1) The title will be extracted from the <productname> given in the xml feed and should be the same size as the one on TTouch website.

2) The description will be extracted from the <description> <short> given in the xml feed and must follow the same formatting as in TTouch, ie. font size.

3) ‘Read more…’ will show the favicon of the destination website instead, and list the name of the vendor, ie ‘CompUSA,’ right beside the favicon and must be hyperlinked to the <linkurl> parameter given in the xml feed.

4) ‘Buy Now… From $xxx’ will read ‘Buy Now… $xxx.xx’ and be hyperlinked to the <linkurl> parameter given in the xml feed.

The items need to be listed in descending order (from most expensive to least expensive).

The image will be extracted from the <imageurl> parameter given in the xml feed, and must be hyperlinked to the <linkurl> parameter given in the xml feed.

In the example feed above, the keyword is ‘motorola xoom.’ The integrated feed will take the keyword specified in a ‘Custom Field’ in WordPress. For example, if I post a review about an ‘Asus eee Transformer,’ I would add a custom field named ‘product’ and give it the value of ‘asus eee transformer’ when creating the post in WordPress.

The feed would then query LinkShare for any products named ‘asus eee transformer,’ and these products will be listed in the sidebar.

The products listed in the sidebar will only be shown on post pages, and not on the home page.

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