Add Edit/delete Function To Youtube Script 2

Hi there, thanks for looking at my project.

I have a PHP script on my site which reads a simple SQL database of vehicle records, and checks to see if there’s a video with the vehicle’s unique ID in a certain directory. If there is, the script logs in to the appropriate YouTube account via their API, and uploads the video, writing the vehicle record’s info into the correct YouTube description fields / tags.

The script works well, we just want to add a couple of functions. Here’s what we need:

Right now, our script only uploads new listings. If a vehicle is deleted in our database, or if an important field of that record (such as price) is changed in our database, the videos on YouTube do not reflect this.

We simply need a mod to our YouTube upload script that checks our database, and if a record is no longer there, will delete the video with that record ID, and if a price has changed on a record, will change the price on the video on YouTube.

That’s it … thanks and we look forward to working with you.

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