Random Sentence Generating Program

Our primary goal is to teach the construction of English sentences and build the vocabulary necessary to do so.

We will teach approximately 1000 English words with their meaning and how they can be used in a sentence

The way in which we are going to achieve this are through 4 sentence structures. These are:
SV (Subject + Verb) eg. My dad is
SVA (Subject + Verb + Adjective) eg. My dad is quick
SVO (Subject + Verb + Object) eg. My dad is on the bike
SVAO (Subject + Verb + Adjective + Object) eg. My dad is quick on the bike

These words have been categorised and ordered in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (No equations involved). We wish to have these words coded into a program so that they randomly generated sentences that make grammatical and logical sense.

This program will be accessed from a website on the internet.

The program will require the function for extra words to be added from the website into the program to generate new sentence combinations.

These words will be added into pre-defined categories (Place/location, human, animal, past tense, present tense etc.)

Please be aware that this program must be created in a logical manner so that it is able to be edited in the future.

At this current time we do not have a website that the program will be placed on.

Timeframe for delivery: 2 weeks.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The programmer MUST have a strong command of English.

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