Extend Wp User Front End Plugin

This plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-user-frontend/ allows blog subscribers/editors to add/edit posts and update profiles without using the WP admin panel. It works via shortcodes added to pages, and the relevant code is embedded in the pages. It’s a great plugin but I need it extended to support login and registration too.

So, if I add the shortcode [login] to a page, that page will be turned into a login page. And if I add [register] to another page, that page should be turned into a registration page. The registration page needs to work with the Sabre plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sabre/

Here’s some other plugins that allow registration/login with shortcodes and they may provide useful code:

So, to complete this project you need to create two files: regsistration.php and login.php and add them to the WP User Front End plugin (above).

Only apply if you have extensive WP experience and developed several WP plugins before and a lot of positive feedback from previous SL clients.

For the right person, a professional WP developer, I have a lot more work.

Also, you need to communicate with me daily via MSN messenger. If you cannot do this, DON’T APPLY!

This is an urgent project because the last coder was a total waste of time.

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