Android App – Create App

We are looking for a programmer to create an Android App and possibly the ability to allow it to be converted to an iPhone App.

The app will be used to read and send data to our web server. The app will need its own local database to use pre-set data (with server updates) and to store data when internet connectivity is down and will upload data when connectivity is back up or via USB/ PC upload.

System will use the phone’s GPS to sometimes suggest current address and send its location to our web server.

App will be use to report activity and allow the user to print some data to a Bluetooth or WiFi Printer. App will allow the user to take photos and send to web server.

App will send and receive updates while the user is able to continue reporting information and using the app.

Attached is a PDF of power point presentation mock up showing most of what we are looking for the app to do.

Please review PDF and ask questions prior to bidding. Bid amounts have been hidden. Please show screen shots of any Android apps you have built so we can see quality of work.

Only submit information/ references about Android apps. Websites and other related work will not be reviewed at this time.

Any questions please use PMB and ask us 🙂

We will use scriptlance escrow and deposit a portion of the project to get started. We will then pay as agreed milestones are reached. Working samples will need to work on our test phone which is currently a Motorola Droidx. Although it should work on other smartphones running android 2.1 or better.

Preference will be given to programmers that can program app so that it can easily be converted to an iPhone app and those with positive scriptlance user history. Although, the Android app is what is needed for this project.

***This project will be listed as a Featured Project before a winning bid is selected***

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