Codeigniter Membership Ecommerce

BUDGET: $1300
Payment is broken down into modules, as each is completed uploaded to my server, tested and approved, money is released.

:: Don’t send me a list of websites.
:: All bids that do not share codeigniter websites will be automatically rejected.
:: A plus if you have developed a membership website before.

Server: Linux, Certos

Browsers: Windows IE & Mozilla, and Macintosh
– Create CSS for each

>>>> UPGRADE Codeigniter version to 2.0 from 1.4 <<<<
:: Create Database Schema
:: Do site load analysis and fix errors

>>>>> See attachment for a complete list of tasks <<<<<<

MEMBERSHIP – 20% complete, the basic structure is there with features to be completed.
A detailed project document will be provided and reviewed with contractor prior to any award.
4 level Membership – 3 paid, 1 free. Intensive ecommerce with membership fee payment calculations (upgrade or downgrade), coupons, gift certificate, reward points for various activities, limitations to features depending on memberlevel, recurring billing for member fees. Payment gateway is Members can create groups, do mass mailing, upload multiple photos and videos which needs to be converted to .flv files and dynamic delivery.

Provider must have extensive Code Igniter experience. Provider will complete current membership functions that are either not complete, fix existing bugs and create new codes as stated in Membership MSWord document that will be sent to qualified providers. The site is built on Codeigniter 2.0 with Web 2.0 and must have cross browser compatibility. Upon award relevant jpgs of page layouts will be shared with the provider chosen.

Project Requirements:

Integrate work from other providers into membership module. Integration code and instruction is on website but not working as well as needed.
:: There are other providers working on different modules (fundraising, blog, forum, etc.) of the website.
:: Provider need to share codeigniter codes with those providers so that they interface properly with membership. For example, membership level, status needs to be validated prior to granting access to those modules privileges, recording of purchases and reward points needs to be recorded in members’ accounts.

a. Admin
i. One-Page login. All modules need to centralized in one admin login interface. Right now each has its own login page.
ii. 3-level Staff login – osTicket, one the modules, has a 3-level staff login sytem that can be used to centralize login for all the modules.
b. Header, Menu and Footer
i. The means that even though the module are on the same server, they are in their own subdomain and need code to pull the information from the membership header, menu footer into their modules.
ii. In admin setup a system where when a change is made to header, menu and footer it populates in all the modules that have incorporate them.
iii. Header includes music, global search, share script and translate

:: All that is shown on the front end – home page, member’s profile, photo, videos, etc.
:: There are 11 sections, for example, Manage Membership, Manage Payments, etc.

:: Make the roundcube install currently in membership functional so that when modules send email to member it is directed to right tab.
:: Block all external emails. Emails within the site community ONLY – admin and members.

5. FFMPEG and RED5 is already installed on the Linux server.
:: Provider to pass member videos to ffmpeg for encoding and place back in member directory. :: Coordinate with streaming provider working site as to needed setup.

Setup interface in Admin to make necessary updates.
:: Complete the configuration of purchased music and video player components.
:: Install and configure purchased currency converter script.

:: Membership interfaces with the Magento Module for My Account, Gift Certificate, Reward points award and redemption, and other magento customer records.

8. TRANSLATE – using codeigniter language library
It is currently install but shows errors for each language.
:: To translate all words on each web page.
:: Since translate in on the centralized header, it should translate the other modules pages as it translates in membership.

Thanks for your attention.

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