Iphone Application Development

here is a short description for the Required iPhone-App:

1. This is a free App, which is available in “German” available. The user enters into a search box, a domain / URL, it will be sent to the API and spat out three values with two digits of the fraction (search range, search performance, static visibility). Here we find an explanation of the three APIs and formats in which the values can be returned: http://de.seodiver.com/api
Not to mention the link to http://de.seodiver.com so that the user can also view the information on the full tool.

2. The design / feel should be based on our tool. e.g. in the login area at https://seodiver.com/signin.html?lang=en
Screenshot of the login AND the tool search range (even if you want the app to spend no graph) (SEO-DIVER,LOGIN.JPG)

3. Example for API-Request: http://iphone.seodiver.com/de.api?url=www.testberichte.de&decimal=,&decimals=4&sig=7f8e06eb455496db3b1d6ac7ea2b1111

Param sig is encryptet and generated by md5-function: md5( “/de.api?url=www.testberichte.de&decimal=,&decimals=4” . $secret);

$secret is ‘blub’

4. For testing API from the browser / command-line you can also use „&sig=4711“

This is the first part of coding the Application. There will be more further versions the customer whishes to be developed.

– Can you estimate how much coding-days are needed?

– When could the coder begin to develop?

– When do you think is the coder finished and can send us the App?

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