Creation Of WordPress Plugin

I would like to have a custom wordpress plugin for posting.

Here is the description:

1. Subscribers will be able to create a post from a page in my blog ( similar to a plugin “theme my profile” – – the basics of this plugin: People don’t have to go to back end of wordpress (the admin area), but through shortcode in a page named profile, they are able to change their profile on a page that has the same design as the main blog – no admin area needed.

2. using a shortcode in page named “post”.
3. page “post” will then have options of what they want to post – video, audio, photos and written content – see picture “post content”
4. based on what they choose, they will go to another page that will look like in the pictures – “ad new …”

5. they will be able to schedule, excerpt and all the functions that wordpress offers, but only for the format that they picked. For example if they clicked on “Ad new video” they will be able to upload video only, if clicked on “ad new audio they will be able to upload audio only,….

6. all the videos, audios and photos will be uploaded to Amazon S3, this needs to be automatic, with the ability to change the secret codes to access different buckets of my S3 amazon accounts.

Please read all the specifications before you bid.

Ask me any questions regarding this project. I hope I was clear enough in my description.


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