Website Project Design/development

Hi there,
We are starting a mobile phone recycling business and would be interested to get a quote from you guys. I much like websites such as ‘’, ‘’ but with a bit different design but same features. Have a look on those websites. I want exactly similar features as those websites. I must be able to update phone databases/prices, online ordering, automatic order email. I am wondering how much would this project approximately cost with you as in the example of those websites?
You have to provide me with information on how you are planning to build the website, which platform you’ll use, your timescales. I need it to be started right away and finished within 3 weeks plus 1 week for finalising complete set up. More details will be supplied during the bidding to the prospect candidates. Also after completing website you will offered to create a Facebook application for us linked to my website.
I am prepared to pay upfront milestone payment(Escrow payment) to start the project and payments will be done once certain stages of the websites are complete and confirmed with me.
Important note: Website must be SEO optimised with certain keywords!

Please bid only if you are confident to carry on with this project and have proper skills to justify your bidding price!
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you

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