Easy Upload System For Website

We require an upload system with the same features and functionality as there is on this site: www.wallcreate.co.uk. We also do acrylic printing which we wish to integrate as part of this system. We have an idea of the first few processes but the main process can be coppied from the wallcreate site. Wallcreates site does not include acrylic printing but we wish to include this in our system. If you have a look at the attachments you will see how we wish to show this. First the customer will upload their picture, then they will choose either an acrylic picture or a canvas picture. they will then be notified of the resolution of the picture and what sizes they are able to print to whilst keeping the quality and integrity of the image. Once they have picked the size, the customer will then see a screen showing many different variations of the picture (ie. 2 split, 3 split, 4 split, panoramic, 4 square, 9 square and eye – please see the attached file for illustration). After this you can continue with using the same steps as wall create have

heres just a few more points which may have been covered above:

– the customer needs to be able to upload an image which they can change and manipulate in real time (see http://www.wallcreate.com/canvas.html we like the way this one works beter than all others)

Image Processing Ssystem (IPS) will be a 3-dimensional Image Processing Module

# ImageToImage offers 2 types of printing to customers – Canvas & Acrylic.
# ImageToImage wants to offer an image processing simulator to prospective clients for both types of printing.
# IPS will have following simulation features – Shape, Wrap, Frame, Size, Color.
# One additional feature of IPS will be multiple canvas like 2-split, 3-split etc. (we want to implement this into the upload system IPS. so when a customer uploads their image, they get to see what their image will look like as a 2split, 3 split, etc)

-acrylic printing is the same as canvas with shape, colour and size. wrap is not though.
-depth: no we will only be offering the acrylics as a sandwich of 2x 5mm acrylics (therefore the end product will be 10mm) or you can have the actual picture mounted onto just a 5mm acrylic
– also regarding canvas, we offer both depths of canvas 0.75″ depth (3/4 three quater) and 1.5″ depth
– yes. we want to offer acrylics in all the splits and squares as the canvases are offered.

If you require any more info just let us know

3D image processing simulator with all the functionality at wallcreate.com

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