StatusBot – Self-hosted status page for your sites (Help and Support Tools)

StatusBot is an advanced server monitor and status page. It allows you to easily monitor sites, and display this information to your users. It comes with an advanced analysis system used to determine if the site is operational, and a highly programable site-by-site evaluation rule set.

It has an incredibly powerful permissions system, that lets you create users and assign permissions for View, Edit and Add for any of the sites sections. This allows you to create a site which can have developers, engineers, HR staff and front-end support all coordinating and fulfilling a task without worrying about a rogue user editing something they shouldn’t.

  • Easily Themeable – Built on Bootstrap, you can easily add new themes to customise StatusBot
  • Responsive – Your site works perfectly on mobile phones as well as on desktop, so people can check the status of your sites on the go.
  • Cron Support – As well as checking manually, you can set up a cronjob to automatically update the status. We also include a guide on getting started with a free WebCron service if your hosting doesn’t support cron jobs.
  • Check by Title – Provide a success, warning and error title and StatusBot will check this against each site to decide if it’s available or not. Very helpful for detecting PHP errors.
  • Check by Header – StatusBot looks at the HTTP status header for all sites, and can detect common errors such as 500, 503 and 401 automatically.
  • Unlimited Users – Add as many users as you want, each with different permissions.
  • Unlimited Checks – You can add as many sites as you want. StatusBot will automatically batch process them if it gets too large so your site isn’t slowed down.
  • Manual Checks – Allow certain users to run manual checks, deny others.
  • Advanced Analysis – Set weights of each test to determine the final result on a site-by-site basis.
  • Powerful Permissions – Set permissions on a user by user basis, granting access to View, Edit and Add any of the features on the site.
  • Events and Notifications – Easily set events and notifications publicly so that your users are kept informed as to the status of your sites.

Read Only:
Username: Demo User
Password: password

Developer (sites and events):
Username: Developer
Password: password

Engineer (critical notifications):
Username: Engineer
Password: password

Admin (full permissions):
Username: Administrator
Password: password

This product hasn’t been reviewed yet, so below are some reviews from my other products to give you a general idea of the quality of my work. As soon as there are enough reviews for StatusBot, the ones below will be replaced.

  • PHP 5.3 (or higher)
  • MySQLi
  • Rewrite Engine (.htaccess)

You can read the item documentation before you purchase here. For more information on support, please see the Support tab at the top. Please remember that no support is provided via item comments, so please do not comment requesting support.

Download StatusBot – Self-hosted status page for your sites (Help and Support Tools)

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